While the housing market continues to recover for some homeowners, many are still fighting to stop foreclosure. Many new laws to prevent illegal foreclosures from predatory lenders proceeding with the foreclosure process have recently come into effect and may be able to help you. These new laws have given homeowners options on how to stop foreclosure.
While there are new ways to stop foreclosures for homeowners, you need to determine which options are best for you. The best way to do this is by contacting a foreclosure attorney who handles predatory lending and illegal foreclosure and can offer a free consultation to determine what would be best for you.
Postponing your foreclosure sale date is something that a mortgage foreclosure attorney can help you with, but the real goal should be to stay in your home, long-term or sell the property through a short sale. Our attorneys are the best in Los Angeles for helping homeowners prevent foreclosure and figuring out how they can stop their trustee sale date quickly.
Options other than Bankruptcy?
The term bankruptcy gets a bad rap, but the truth is that it can be a very helpful tool for consumers with debt, or trying to stop foreclosure. Depending on your assets, an attorney may suggest that you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to get out of the foreclosure process.
For consumers who contact an attorney with plenty of time before their trustee sale date, more options are available to stop their foreclosure. Mortgage Litigation, or suing your lender is another way to halt the foreclosure process. Suing your mortgage company for predatory lending or violations during the foreclosure process produces the best results for our clients who want to save their homes.
Speak With a Foreclosure Attorney Today
If you’re wondering how to stop your foreclosure, you should call to speak with a trusted attorney today. Our team of foreclosure attorneys has saved hundreds of homes for our clients and saved them millions of dollars in the process. Call today to speak with an attorney about your foreclosure situation.