While going through foreclosures can be tough, there is still a chance to recover some money from the foreclosure auction. If your home was sold in a foreclosure sale for more than what you owed the lender, you might have surplus funds that you can recover.
Our surplus funds attorneys can help you recover surplus funds if:
- your home was sold in a foreclosure sale for more than what you owed the lender
- you had equity in your home before it was sold by the lender
- you received a letter from the foreclosure trustee notifying you about surplus funds
There are steps that you need to take in order to claim surplus funds from foreclosure, such as providing proof of prior ownership, providing verification of funds, contacting the trustee, submitting a claim form to the trustee and the court, and going through hearings/motions with the court to claim your funds.
The process of claiming your surplus funds can be tough. This is why our attorneys are here to help so you can recover your surplus funds as quickly as possible. We will handle the paperwork and talk to the appropriate persons to get your money back.
Call us for a free consultation to get started on your surplus funds claim right away. See if you qualify for surplus funds today.