Small Claims Information
Thank you for calling us and we are sorry that we are not able to assist you. But we are happy to provide some small claims resources for you.
If your case is one that needs to be handled in small claims, please visit the link below to get started.
If you would like to speak with another attorney, this is a great place to look. [The Los Angeles County Bar Association – attorney referral]
This is another directory of people who may be able to help you with your case. [National Association of Consumer Advocates]
If your car has been repossessed and you believe it was done wrongfully contact the attorneys below. [For auto repo cases]
If you are seeking assistance with an employment issue contact the attorneys below. [Office of Scolinos, Sheldon, & Nevell – employment lawyers]
If your issue is in relation to a repair shop contact the agency below. [Bureau of Automotive Repair – for complaints against repair shops]
If your vehicle is one used for work, please contact the attorneys below, as you have a commercial case. [such as UBER, Lyft]