One question that people might ask when considering filing bankruptcy is, “how much does a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy cost?” When considering bankruptcy, especially a chapter 13, it’s always good to consider how much the whole court case will cost beforehand. While there are court filing fees and other administrative costs, the actual cost to file […]
Chapter 13 attorney
Who Qualifies for Bankruptcy Chapter 13?
As bankruptcy cases rise across the nation from big corporations to regular individuals, people are wondering who qualifies for bankruptcy Chapter 13. Many people believe going into bankruptcy court is the end of their financial future, but there is hope in bankruptcy as thousands are in court every day saving their homes, cars, and personal [...]
What Qualifies You For Chapter 13
When looking into what qualifies you for chapter 13 bankruptcy, Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group recommend checking all options including Chapter 7 bankruptcy, to see what best suits your situation. For some, bankruptcy may lead to a better financial situation in the short run or it may suffer your interests in […]