Lien stripping simply refers to a process within a Chapter 13 bankruptcy that allows individuals who are upside down on their loans to get rid of any junior liens, such as second or third mortgages. “Upside down” means that the value of the home has dropped below the amount of the owed for the first […]
los angeles bankruptcy attorney
How to Stop a Foreclosure
When receiving a notice of default or notice of trustee sale, it is critical to take legal action immediately to stop the sale. You can call and speak with our attorneys for a free case evaluation. On the first call, our foreclosure attorney will let you know how to stop a foreclosure and what is […]
Should I File Bankruptcy Chapter 7?
Bankruptcy is a legal process through which a homeowner (or any other borrower) can eliminate or repay all or part of their debt under the protection of a bankruptcy court. If you’re debating to file bankruptcy Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, it is always best to call and get free legal advice from our experienced […]
Filing Bankruptcy in California
Filing bankruptcy in California will stop foreclosure, get rid of annoying collection calls, and give you a fresh start with a debt-free life. There are…
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorneys – We File Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
We are expert bankruptcy attorneys, low fees! We file bankruptcy to eliminate debts or stop home foreclosure. Call us, (818) 254-8413 M-F: 9AM-6PM