Foreclosure is never a good thing, but as the housing market improves, many people are surprised to find out that they have the right to receive excess funds after foreclosure. Prior owners are entitled to receive any equity that remains after a foreclosure sale. Foreclosure Trustees are required to deposit any surplus funds with the […]
Surplus Funds After Foreclosure
How to Get Money Back from Foreclosure Sale
What Happens During Foreclosure? In a foreclosure, a property is sold at auction. The bidder making the highest bid will take the title of such property and the previous owner faces eviction. But there may be good news for the prior owner. Many people are not aware that they can claim surplus funds from a […]
How to Claim Foreclosure Overage Funds from Foreclosure Sale Homes
Sometimes there is money left over from the payments towards the mortgage after foreclosure sales. Many people do not know that they can receive surplus property funds after their property is sold in a foreclosure auction. Whenever a property is sold in foreclosure due to an unpaid mortgage loan, the lender is required to return […]
What Happens AFTER Foreclosure in California?
Surplus funds are pending or hidden funds after foreclosure that most foreclosure homeowners are not aware of. Consumer Action Law Group is a leading law firm that can guide homeowners on how to claim lost or undisclosed surplus funds. Los Angeles, CA, NOV 13, 2014 – Getting your Equity after Foreclosure. In the event that […]
Consumer Action Law Group Launches Legal Service for Homeowners to Claim Surplus Funds from Foreclosure
Very few people are aware of the fact that they can claim surplus money after foreclosure. Consumer Action Law Group is now offering their services, helping people to claim foreclosure
Recovering Foreclosure Funds – How to Claim Surplus Funds
Do you need help claiming Surplus Funds? We can help you recover surplus funds if this happens to you: Your home was sold in foreclosure for more than what you owed the lender You had equity in your home before it was sold by the lender You received a letter from the foreclosure trustee […]