Ask any credit report lawyer and they will say you should definitely dispute mistakes on your credit report, but you should not dispute your credit report online. A lot of people find mistakes and discrepancies in their credit reports. These mistakes can hurt your credit score, which could increase your cost of credit – in […]
credit report dispute
How to Make Credit Reporting Agencies Fix Your Credit Report Errors
Credit reporting agencies must investigate and fix any errors on your credit report when you send in a credit dispute letter.
Failure to fix the mistakes…
Reclaim Your True FICO Score Range
Credit report errors can cause your FICO score range to rank lower than what it actually should be. This occurs more often than people realize…
How to Dispute a Credit Report – Cleaning Your Credit Report
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protects you against misreporting of your credit information to credit reporting agencies or misuse of your credit information. The violation of FCRA provisions will cause lower credit score, lenders’ denials of credit, higher interest rates, and closure of your existing accounts. If you need legal help to dispute a […]