April 7, 2020 – Los Angeles, CA – Individuals turn to Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys for relief as COVID-19 pandemic leaves behind a trail of unemployment and debt. Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys are fielding calls from individuals devastated by the health and financial effects of the virus. According to Matt Faler, a bankruptcy attorney in […]
Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys
File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can Stop Foreclosure Immediately
November 4, 2015, Los Angeles, California — More homeowners facing foreclosure are filing chapter 13 bankruptcy to stop foreclosure and eliminate debts. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filings are consistent even though the economy has improved in recent years. One of the reasons for the relatively high number of bankruptcy filings is the number of foreclosures initiated […]
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney for Chapter 13
Most people respond negatively to bankruptcies but it is, sometimes, necessary to file bankruptcy to get a fresh start in life by eliminating your debt. All bankruptcies are not the same. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common type of filing by individuals who are behind on credit cards or medical bills, or facing wage […]
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorneys
We Eliminate Debt, Stop Foreclosure, and Stop Car Repossession! Did you receive a foreclosure letter or fell behind on your car and credit card payments? Our Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorneys can help you eliminate your debt, stop your foreclosure sale, stop your car from being repossessed, eliminate your credit card debt, and stop garnishment of […]
Do You Need a Bankruptcy Attorney?
Our Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney provides help to eliminate debt, stop foreclosure, stop wage garnishment, and stop car repossession! If This Happened to You, Call Our Firm for Immediate HELP! You fell behind on mortgage payments and you are facing foreclosure You fell behind on car payments and you are facing repossession Your credit cards […]