Foreclosure lawyers at Consumer Action Law Group offers legal solutions to stop the foreclosure process. They have offered many methods to California homeowners on how to stop a foreclosure. There are still many homeowners in the States of California that are facing foreclosure. Whether these homeowners are in the early stage of foreclosure or have […]
foreclosure attorneys
Foreclosure Attorneys that Specialize in Foreclosure Defense
For those facing foreclosure in California there are very strong laws in place to help protect borrowers against illegal lender practices. Although many home owners believe that their lenders will help them avoid the loss of their home, illegal foreclosures often happen while lenders are telling borrowers that they are trying to help. In California, […]
We Stop Foreclosure in Los Angeles
We provide legal help to stop foreclosure and sue mortgage lenders for wrongful foreclosure. To speak to a foreclosure attorney call 818-254-8413.
Foreclosure Attorney for Deficiency Judgement Lawsuit
Even after foreclosure, your lender can come after you for the money they lost in the transaction. If you owed more on the mortgage than the property sold for at foreclosure auction, the lender can sue you for the difference. For example, if there was a principal balance of $500,000 remaining on the loan, but […]
How Many Payments Can I Missed Before Foreclosure?
Your lender isn’t likely to make it very clear how many missed payments it will take before they foreclose on the property. While there are minimum requirements that prevent your lender from foreclosing on your property too quickly, the timeline varies depending on a variety of factors. Many homeowners did not know how many missed […]
Call Our Foreclosure Attorney For a Foreclosure Bailout
Somehow, the banks became the “victims” of the foreclosure crisis and received massive bailouts from the Federal Government. Their pockets were re-filled despite undeniable claims of illegal foreclosures against them. While the banks have recovered, many homeowners in California still have not. Our firm is here to help homeowners receive their own type of “foreclosure […]
Foreclosure Help in California – Stop Notice of Sale
Foreclosure help in California can be a daunting task to do on top of other stressful events happening in your life. After helping many families that need foreclosure help in California, we understand the difficulty of stopping notice of sale on your home. After being denied the loan modification you were promised that you would […]
Loan Modification Denied after Trial Period
You could be stuck facing foreclosure if your loan modification is denied, even after you’ve successfully made trial payments on time and in full. Your lender is not required to modify your loan, but may accept packages for review, and even offer trial payments that provide a glimpse of hope. So, why was your loan […]
Notice of Intent to Accelerate Foreclosure
One of the scariest documents that a homeowner can receive is a notice of intent to accelerate foreclosure. While this document does notify the homeowner of the mortgage companies intentions, it does not specify when the home will actually be foreclosed on. While many people consider this notice to be simply a scare tactic, failure […]
Temporary Restraining Order Can Stop Your Foreclosure
Most lenders do their best to give homeowners hope that they will be able to avoid foreclosure up until the last possible minute. Essentially, the mortgage company doesn’t want you to take legal action to stop the foreclosure, so they leave you with as little time to act as possible. This is why our firm […]
Hire a Foreclosure Attorney to Stop California Foreclosure
All year long, Californians have been seeing news stories stating that foreclosure rates are down substantially, but the truth is that foreclosures will always exist or at an increased rate since the US economy is doing poorly and the unemployment rate is increasing. New laws protecting homeowners, called the California Homeowner’s Bill of Rights, were […]
Real Estate Attorneys Los Angeles – We Help Stop Foreclosure
Our attorneys stop foreclosure sales in California every day. If you are trying to stop foreclosure to save your home, the real estate lawyers at our law firm are some of the best in Los Angeles when it comes to saving homes. California recently enacted new foreclosure laws to make it illegal for lenders to […]
Notice of Default – Learn How to Stop NOD
Upon missing a number of payments, banks and lenders issue a Notice of Default against your property. This document serves as a notice to the homeowner that mortgage payments have either been incomplete or unavailable for at least three months. Banks may then issue a Notice of Trustee Sale which gives notice that your property […]