There are few things in life as stressful as the pain felt by those facing foreclosure. There are several ways to stop foreclosure immediately and the obvious way is by catching up on missed monthly payments. By contacting the lender, one can easily determine how much is past due and work out an arrangement to […]
Stop Foreclosure
5 Things Your Lender Can’t Do When You are Facing Foreclosure
Facing foreclosure can be a big setback to your life goals. Just because you are not able to pay off your mortgage doesn’t mean that your lender can take advantage of your situation. There are still certain laws they must follow when you are facing foreclosure. If your lender is violating a law, our foreclosure attorneys […]
Information on How to Stop Foreclosures
There are many ways to stop foreclosure. Knowing how to stop foreclosures is a good skill to know in case a foreclosure becomes a reality. Can You Stop A Foreclosure Once Sale Date Is Set? You might be able to stop the foreclosure process in its tracks right up until the time that your house […]
How to Find Information About Foreclosures
Facing foreclosure can be difficult and costly. Knowing what options you have when facing foreclosure can help to get through it with the least amount of downsides. Read on to find information about foreclosures. Can You Stop Foreclosure Once It Has Started? If the bank has already begun the foreclosure process because you are in […]
Information About Foreclosures
Many homeowners that are in foreclosure wonder if it is possible to extend a foreclosure sale date. An auction date is usually set after a borrower is pretty far behind in payments. If the borrower is not able to pay off the amount of the delinquency, a date for the foreclosure auction will be established. You […]
When Is It Too Late to Stop a Foreclosure?
Just when is it too late to stop a foreclosure? Most people who have gotten behind on their mortgages do not want to lose their homes. Unexpected events like job loss, medical illness, and other emergencies can cause a homeowner to fall behind on payments to the bank. How To Stop Foreclosure Eventually, if you […]
Can Chapter 13 Stop Foreclosure?
Medical issues, job loss, and other unexpected events can all cause a person to get behind on mortgage payments. If you are behind, you might be worried about losing your home. You may wonder “how many months behind on mortgage before foreclosure?” The lender may start foreclosure proceedings once you are three months behind on […]
Lawyer for Foreclosure in California
In California, you can stop foreclosure by hiring an experienced lawyer for foreclosure to file a lawsuit against your lender or you can file bankruptcy. If you are looking for a solution to save your home from foreclosure, call (818) 254-8413 to talk to our experienced lawyer for foreclosure. Common Mortgage Fraud Violations In a […]
Home Foreclosure Attorney in California
If you want to save your home and stop foreclosure fast, our home foreclosure attorney can stop foreclosure immediately and save your home from wrongful foreclosure. There are two court-ordered methods to stop foreclosure: Filing bankruptcy – You can file bankruptcy when you cannot keep up with your mortgage. Filing a lawsuit – You can […]
Foreclosure Attorneys – We Help to Stop Foreclosure In Bay Area
In the state of California, according to the law, lenders must offer foreclosure alternatives to struggling homeowners, such as short sales or loan modifications. However, lenders do not typically give homeowners time to pay back their missed mortgage payments or discuss legal options that can stop foreclosure. Therefore, an experienced Bay Area foreclosure attorney can […]
Do You Need a San Jose Foreclosure Attorney?
If your home located in San Jose is about to be in a foreclosure auction, you can still save your home and stop foreclosure sale date by hiring a San Jose Foreclosure Attorney or California foreclosure attorneys. A foreclosure attorney can stop foreclosure sale within minutes. The foreclosure crisis may be over, but many homeowners […]
Sacramento California Foreclosure Lawyers
Do you have a property located in Sacramento that is about to be sold at a foreclosure auction? There is still hope. You can hire a Foreclosure Lawyer in Sacramento or hire a California Foreclosure Attorney to stop the foreclosure sale immediately! Call us today, we can save your home! The foreclosure crisis hit Sacramento […]
How to Stop Foreclosure Sale in 1 Day
If you are facing foreclosure, you may have options to keep your home or to come to an agreement with the lender to sell the home and avoid the stress and anxiety of an eviction. Stopping foreclosure can be done without the help of a lawyer, but getting immediate results and saving the home usually […]
How to Stop a Foreclosure Without Bankruptcy
There are many ways to stop a foreclosure without having to file bankruptcy. Call us today and find out how to stop foreclosure without bankruptcy. Foreclosures in California remain steady. In spite of a strong economy, many borrowers are still struggling to pay their mortgages. Losing a job or sudden illness can cause a default. […]
California, San Diego Foreclosure Lawyers
Calling an experienced San Diego foreclosure lawyer is the best way to save a home from foreclosure in San Diego. There are many ways to stop foreclosure or slow down a foreclosure, but taking legal action is the best way to save a home from a foreclosure sale. When a lender sends a notice of […]
We Stop Notice of Trustee Sale and Save Foreclosure Home
California homeowners facing foreclosure have many options to stop notice of trustee sale. A Notice of Trustee Sale [NTS] refers to a notice issued by the lender to let you know that they will auction your property to recover the amount of money you owe on the loan. In addition to issuing a copy to […]
Ways to Stop Foreclosure Fast
There are many ways to stop a foreclosure sale. The best way to stop foreclosure fast is to file bankruptcy. It can stop a foreclosure immediately. Other ways to stop a foreclosure are by taken legal action. Some of these steps take money, while others involve either reaching an agreement with lenders or taking legal […]
How Does Chapter 13 Stop Foreclosure?
It is possible to stop a foreclosure by filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 allows you to repair the mortgage default prior to the lender selling your home. In California, a lender must give a borrower ample notice that they are in default and give them warning of their intention to foreclose. In California, […]
Can You Stop Foreclosure?
Foreclosure is a legal process in which a mortgage holder or a lender (a creditor) can get property repossessed or sold for the purpose of paying off the debt that has been incurred on the property. After the borrower starts missing payments on the mortgage, a CA foreclosure process usually begins after 3 consecutive […]
Knowing how and when to get help to stop foreclosure auction is critical to stop the sale date. Facing a foreclosure auction on your home or business property can be quite distressing, even for the calmest individuals. Ever since the economic recession, foreclosure auctions in Los Angeles have been very active. The prospect of losing […]
Filing Bankruptcy to Avoid Foreclosure
Filing Bankruptcy is an effective way to avoid foreclosure. It can guarantee a foreclosure stop. If you are facing foreclosure in Los Angeles California, filing bankruptcy is one of the ways to delay or avoid the loss of your property. In all but a very few cases, filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy will help to delay […]
How to Stop a Foreclosure
When receiving a notice of default or notice of trustee sale, it is critical to take legal action immediately to stop the sale. You can call and speak with our attorneys for a free case evaluation. On the first call, our foreclosure attorney will let you know how to stop a foreclosure and what is […]
Mortgage Foreclosure Attorney Helps Home Owners Avoid Foreclosure
A notice of foreclosure from a lender can be devastating emotionally and can potentially be a financial burden that you may carry for the rest of your life. An experienced and successful foreclosure attorney can use the laws that exist concerning foreclosure to your advantage so that you can keep your home, preserve your good […]
When to Call a Mortgage Foreclosure Attorney
Did you fall behind on your mortgage payments? Receiving a legal notice in the mail from the bank informing you that you have only a few days to take action regarding your mortgage delinquency is naturally devastating. If you do not have enough funds to make the payments, and you are feeling helpless, then read […]
Options to Avoid Foreclosure
The California Home Owner Bill of Rights law [SB900] requires the lender to send a letter offering assistance to a borrower prior to foreclosure when a borrower is late on mortgage payments. The same law also protects borrowers from harassment by the lender. Once a borrower receives a notice of foreclosure, or learns about the […]
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure – Foreclosure Options
if you decide to take matters on your own without the help of foreclosure lawyers, you have two choices to stop a foreclosure which are Deed
We Stop Foreclosure in Los Angeles
We provide legal help to stop foreclosure and sue mortgage lenders for wrongful foreclosure. To speak to a foreclosure attorney call 818-254-8413.
Real Estate Attorneys Los Angeles – We Help Stop Foreclosure
Our attorneys stop foreclosure sales in California every day. If you are trying to stop foreclosure to save your home, the real estate lawyers at our law firm are some of the best in Los Angeles when it comes to saving homes. California recently enacted new foreclosure laws to make it illegal for lenders to […]
What Is a Short Sale?
If you are thinking about walking away from your home, you need to consider the many short sale benefits compared to the damage to your credit that results…
Notice of Trustee Sale – We Stop Trustee Sale
A Notice of Trustee Sale (NTS) is the official notice that your home will be sold at auction in accordance with California foreclosure laws. If you have received a Notice of Trustee Sale, the best thing to do is call and talk to one of our foreclosure lawyers at our Los Angeles law firm to […]
Notice of Default – Learn How to Stop NOD
Upon missing a number of payments, banks and lenders issue a Notice of Default against your property. This document serves as a notice to the homeowner that mortgage payments have either been incomplete or unavailable for at least three months. Banks may then issue a Notice of Trustee Sale which gives notice that your property […]
Stop Foreclosure Attorneys in Los Angeles, California
If you are looking for a foreclosure attorney in Los Angeles to help you stop the foreclosure process, you should consider hiring Consumer Action Law Group. We are the premier California law firm that is dedicated to stopping foreclosure. We have a team of foreclosure attorneys that handle all types of foreclosure cases. We have […]
Judicial Sale and Judicial Foreclosure
In the state of California, a foreclosure sale may be conducted either through the courts (judicial sale) or outside of the courts (non-judicial). If you…