A foreclosure sale, also known as a trustee sale, is the sale of a home after a trustee notice or foreclosure notice has been served to the borrower or the person living in the home. The process for a foreclosure sale is put into motion when the foreclosure sale notice is served to the occupant. […]
What Does Notice of Trustee Sale Mean?
In California, and many other states, a notice of trustee sale is the final written notice that a lender has scheduled a date to sell a home in a foreclosure auction. When a borrower receives a notice of default or a notice of trustee sale, there is time remaining to take steps to stop the […]
Options to Stop Foreclosure Sale
In California, there are several ways to stop notice of trustee sales and avoid losing a home in foreclosure. To begin with, immediately notifying the mortgage lender is critical if there has not been any prior contact. The owner may ask the lender for a loan modification to lower the payments and change the loan […]
How to Stop Foreclosure sale
Most people don’t purchase a home in the belief that one day they will just stop making payments. But, in today’s harsh economic climate this is a truth that more and more families are facing. When layoffs come without warning, it can leave so many of us unprepared for the financial woes that follow. And, […]
When to Call a Mortgage Foreclosure Attorney
Did you fall behind on your mortgage payments? Receiving a legal notice in the mail from the bank informing you that you have only a few days to take action regarding your mortgage delinquency is naturally devastating. If you do not have enough funds to make the payments, and you are feeling helpless, then read […]
The Foreclosure Lawyers at Consumer Action Law Group Advise Consumers How to Stop Foreclosure Immediately
July 15, 2015 – Los Angeles, CA — In times of economic strife, families often struggle to keep up with all of their financial requirements. In California, which was hit particularly hard by the great recession in 2008, many families have found themselves in dire circumstances. The choice between paying the mortgage and making sure […]
How to Stop Foreclosure
In times of economic strife, like this one, families often struggle to keep up with all of their financial requirements. In states like California, which were hit particularly hard by the great recession, many families have found themselves in dire circumstances. The choice between paying your mortgage and making sure that your children have enough […]
Does Chapter 13 Stop Foreclosure? Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney
There are times when life brings financial hardship. Layoffs, disabling accidents, and natural disasters can all strike without warning. Individuals, families, and companies can all face financial crisis, and during such times of crisis, it may be that a foreclosure attorney who also practices bankruptcy might be able to provide the knowledge and skill you […]
How to Stop Foreclosure Sale In California
On the first of January, 2013 California officially bolstered rights for home owners facing foreclosure by making a new law effective. The foreclosure law clarifies the rights and obligations of mortgage lenders in California and offers important information about how to stop foreclosure sale proceedings. According to the Office of the Attorney General of the […]
Foreclosure Attorney in Los Angeles Helps Homeowners Stop Foreclosure Auctions in California
Consumer Action Law Group has a team of attorneys dedicated to stopping foreclosure sales. The foreclosure attorneys at the firm offer free legal advice to homeowners in California seeking legal help to stop foreclosure auctions. July 1, 2015 – Los Angeles, CA — The best way to learn how to stop a foreclosure auction in […]
Consumer Action Law Group Stops Foreclosure after Notice of Default
The Foreclosure Attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group are dedicated to stop foreclosure sales. Their foreclosure attorneys take the time to advise the best foreclosure options to homeowners in California, offering free legal advice to anyone facing foreclosure. June 30, 2015 – Los Angeles, CA – For homeowners struggling to keep their homes, going to […]
How To Stop Foreclosure In California After Receiving a Notice of Default
When you are struggling to keep your home, the last thing you probably have on your mind is going to court. But, most people don’t realize that going to court is actually one of the best ways that you can stop notice of default and save your home from foreclosure, especially in California where the […]
Foreclosure Attorney That Stop Trustee Sale
Attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group are specialized in stopping trustee sales. The experienced foreclosure attorney will evaluate and find a solution to stop foreclosures by taking legal action while making sure that the lender is not moving forward with the foreclosure. June 30, 2015 – Los Angeles, CA– -In the state of California, the […]
How to Stop a Foreclosure Sale
Foreclosure attorney at Consumer Action Law Group helps homeowners stop foreclosure by filing lawsuits and bankruptcy. Declaring bankruptcy is the most cost effective way to fight the foreclosure process. June 18th, 2015 – Los Angeles, CA — In California, the mortgage company has the right to start the foreclosure process when homeowners cannot keep up […]
Foreclosure Lawyers that Stop Foreclosure Sales
Foreclosure lawyers at Consumer Action Law Group offers legal solutions to stop the foreclosure process. They have offered many methods to California homeowners on how to stop a foreclosure. There are still many homeowners in the States of California that are facing foreclosure. Whether these homeowners are in the early stage of foreclosure or have […]
Foreclosure Attorneys that Specialize in Foreclosure Defense
For those facing foreclosure in California there are very strong laws in place to help protect borrowers against illegal lender practices. Although many home owners believe that their lenders will help them avoid the loss of their home, illegal foreclosures often happen while lenders are telling borrowers that they are trying to help. In California, […]
Auto Fraud Attorney in Los Angeles
Speak With an Auto Fraud Attorney, (818) 254-8413 Were You Scammed by the Car Dealer? Car Salesmen have a bad reputation for honest sales. Dealerships are known for using sales tricks to scam consumers’ money for years. They sell cars with frame damage, prior accidents, and even vehicles that have been totaled just to get […]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Stop Foreclosure
Consumer Action Law Group has helped many homeowners file bankruptcy, stop foreclosure, and clear debt. June 9, 2015 – Los Angeles, CA — Bankruptcy allows individuals to resolve their financial difficulties and rebuild their credit. In many cases, people file bankruptcy when they are facing foreclosure. Foreclosure happens when the lender or the mortgage company […]
Ways to Stop Foreclosure
Many homeowners struggle to keep up with mortgage payments and fall behind because of sudden job loss or illness. In California, there are several options available to stop foreclosure. Some of the ways to stop foreclosure are listed below: Litigation – If there is evidence of illegal foreclosure, our attorney will file a lawsuit and stop […]
Auto Fraud Attorney That Sues Car Dealers for Selling Cars with Frame Damage
Consumer Action Law Group is a consumer law firm dedicated to fighting against auto dealers that lie to consumers. Their auto fraud attorneys understand the danger of undisclosed frame damage car sales and are willing to help auto fraud victims return the car back to the dealership, cancel the contract and get their money back […]
Car Dealer Frauds – Sue Dealership for Fraud
Car dealer frauds are very common among used car sellers. Being a victim of car dealership fraud is a frustrating experience which can also be expensive. The time and resources that you will have to spend fixing a defective car are often not worth it. Being aware of car dealer frauds helps consumers to protect […]
How to Stop a Foreclosure Sale
There are still many Californian homeowners trapped in the foreclosure crisis, struggling to save their home. If you have been unable to keep up with your mortgage payments your lender may not be willing to help, and you should consult with an experienced foreclosure attorney to know what your rights are. In the past, foreclosure […]
Options to Avoid Foreclosure
The California Home Owner Bill of Rights law [SB900] requires the lender to send a letter offering assistance to a borrower prior to foreclosure when a borrower is late on mortgage payments. The same law also protects borrowers from harassment by the lender. Once a borrower receives a notice of foreclosure, or learns about the […]
Should I File Bankruptcy Chapter 7?
Bankruptcy is a legal process through which a homeowner (or any other borrower) can eliminate or repay all or part of their debt under the protection of a bankruptcy court. If you’re debating to file bankruptcy Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, it is always best to call and get free legal advice from our experienced […]
How to Eliminate Debt While Protecting Assets in Bankruptcy
Los Angeles, CA – 04/21/2015 — An experienced Los Angeles bankruptcy attorney can help individuals decide what is the best option for their particular circumstances, and which chapter best suits their needs. The benefit of filing for Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that debtors can get out from under debts that they can […]
Foreclosure Attorneys That Sue Lenders for Dual Tracking to Stop Foreclosure
Los Angeles, CA — 04/21/2015 — For those borrowers who have received a Notice of Trustee Sale or Notice of Default from their lender, stopping foreclosure is still possible. With the California foreclosure laws, stopping a wrongful foreclosure can be done through litigation and bankruptcy. There are several ways to stop a foreclosure from moving […]
How to Stop a Foreclosure
Every day, thousands of homeowners in California face foreclosure. The foreclosure laws in California require lenders to send a notice of foreclosure to a borrower who defaults on a loan. If you have received a notice of default or notice of trustee sale, it is best to call our foreclosure attorney and learn how to […]
How To Avoid Foreclosure
If you are facing foreclosure and your lender is not giving you options and alternatives, call our foreclosure attorney. Our firm focuse on stop foreclosure
Consult With a Foreclosure Attorney and Stop Wrongful Foreclosure
Foreclosure attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group successfully stop wrongful foreclosure and sue lenders who practice dual tracking or violate the Homeowners Bill of Rights and SB 900. California, April 2nd, 2015 – For years the mortgage and housing markets have been in distress, and during these times lenders seized nearly one million California houses. […]
Our Car Dealership Attorneys Fight Car Dealer Auto Fraud
Did you get scammed by a used car dealer? Our auto fraud attorney sues car dealers for fraud. Call today for a free case evaluation. Most car buyers have doubts when buying a car from used car salesmen. Although many dealers run honest dealerships that strive to comply with consumer laws, there are still a […]
Consumer Action Law Group Attorneys Stopped a Foreclosure Sale in 10 Minutes
On March 19, 2015, foreclosure attorneys of Consumer Action Law Group managed to stop the foreclosure and reverse the sale of their client’s property in just 10 minutes. They often stop foreclosures within 24 hours, but this morning they stopped a foreclosure within10 minutes of receiving the call that the house was scheduled to be […]
Foreclosure Attorney Can Stop Foreclosure Sale Dates Immediately
Foreclosure attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group are dedicated to helping struggling homeowners who want to save their homes from bank foreclosures. California, 12th March 2015 – With the current state of the economy, many people are still struggling to pay their mortgages. Foreclosure is a very real threat for many people, especially those who […]
Filing Bankruptcy Can Stop Foreclosure
For anyone currently facing foreclosure, there is a way to stop the foreclosure process and save the home by hiring a bankruptcy attorney. Filing bankruptcy is the most certain way to stop foreclosure. In many cases, the best solution for anyone facing foreclosure is filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy restarts the process of making monthly mortgage payments […]
How to stop foreclosure in California
Recently, the state of California adopted SB900, a Homeowner Bill of Rights aimed at preventing foreclosures and helping homeowners understand their options. This “HOBR” outlines several options that homeowners have to prevent foreclosure, or put a halt to it. These include loan modification, suing mortgage lenders for violations, forbearance agreements, and even refinancing your loan. […]
Best Lawyer to Sue Car Dealership in California
Auto fraud is a widespread issue in California, with many car buyers falling victim to deceptive practices. At Consumer Action Law Group, our auto dealer fraud lawyers are dedicated to helping consumers who’ve been misled when purchasing a vehicle. We have in-depth knowledge of California’s car sales laws and are committed to protecting your rights. […]
Bad Car Loan Lawyers: Your Allies Against Auto Fraud
When you buy a car, you expect honesty from the dealer. But sometimes, that’s not what you get. If you’ve been misled, you have rights – including the option to take legal action and potentially get your money back. At Consumer Action Law Group, our bad car loan lawyers handle a wide range of auto […]
How Our Auto Dealer Fraud Attorney Can Help You
If your car dealer lied to you or sold you a defective car, our auto dealer fraud attorney can help you get out of a bad contract and get your money back. When looking for a quality used vehicle, it’s easy to be scammed by deceptive car dealers if you don’t know what to look […]
California Auto Fraud Lawyers File Lawsuits to Combat Car Dealership Fraud
As a law firm, CALGroup auto fraud lawyers give free legal advice and case evaluation to consumers who have experienced car scams or fraud from car dealers. California, February 6, 2015 – Buying a new vehicle can be a stressful experience. When dealing with a car dealership, many potential issues may arise. Car buyers often […]
Consumer Action Law Group Automotive Attorneys Fights Auto Warranty Fraud
Consumer Action Law Group offers legal services to protect car owners from deceptive and unfair practices from car dealerships. The auto fraud attorney of the firm sues car dealers to protect car owners from auto fraud. California, February 4th, 2015 – Car buyers often don’t realize that they are victims of dealership scams until long […]
Stop Foreclosure Now: The Best Ways to Stop Foreclosure Immediately
If you are looking for ways to stop foreclosure now, consult with our foreclosure attorneys and find the best ways to stop foreclosure immediately. Foreclosure is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of homeowners around the country. To many, it means complete financial devastation, but for those that understand the process of foreclosure […]
We Help Stop Foreclosure
Facing a foreclosure is frightening. It can cause panic if you don’t know where to turn to for help. Complicated legal jargon only makes the process worse. Fortunately, you can call our foreclosure attorney to stop foreclosure sale and move on with your life. Although we always recommend hiring a foreclosure attorney when facing foreclosure, there […]
Consumer Action Law Group Offers Cheap Bankruptcy Service to Immediately Stop Foreclosure and Get Rid of Unsecured Debt – Cheap Bankruptcy Lawyers in Los Angeles
The bankruptcy attorneys of Consumer Action Law Group offer their legal assistance for people to save their homes and get out of debt. Free case evaluation!
Foreclosure Attorneys Stop Foreclosure Proceedings in California
Los Angeles, Consumer Action Law Group files lawsuits and bankruptcy (Chapters 7, 11, and 13) to stop foreclosures. California, December 16, 2014 – If you are a homeowner in California that wants to save your property from foreclosure, there are steps that you can take to stop the foreclosure proceedings: File a lawsuit: Under SB […]
Stop Foreclosure Sale
Losing a home through foreclosure is less common in this year, but still a threat for many homeowners who fall on tough times. If you are missing your mortgage payments, it is likely that you will end up in a foreclosure auction. Lenders foreclose because of late mortgage payments and also because of errors that […]
Mortgage Foreclosure Attorney that Stop Foreclosure Sale
One of the most difficult things that you can go through as an individual is dealing with foreclosure – having your property, your home, taken away. Even if your lender is offering to help by modifying your loan, not only are these decisions usually arbitrary, but most lenders give you very little chance of actually […]
Auto Fraud Lawyers Sue Car Dealers In Fraud Cases
For years, car dealers have been taking advantage of car buyers. Auto fraud is the term used when a dealer rips off a car buyer, whenever consumers are scammed out of their hard-earned money. More often than not, auto fraud goes unnoticed by the average consumer simply because it varies in degrees. From overcharging to […]
Excess Funds After Foreclosure – Where Do They Go?
Foreclosure is never a good thing, but as the housing market improves, many people are surprised to find out that they have the right to receive excess funds after foreclosure. Prior owners are entitled to receive any equity that remains after a foreclosure sale. Foreclosure Trustees are required to deposit any surplus funds with the […]
How to Get Money Back from Foreclosure Sale
What Happens During Foreclosure? In a foreclosure, a property is sold at auction. The bidder making the highest bid will take the title of such property and the previous owner faces eviction. But there may be good news for the prior owner. Many people are not aware that they can claim surplus funds from a […]
How to Claim Foreclosure Overage Funds from Foreclosure Sale Homes
Sometimes there is money left over from the payments towards the mortgage after foreclosure sales. Many people do not know that they can receive surplus property funds after their property is sold in a foreclosure auction. Whenever a property is sold in foreclosure due to an unpaid mortgage loan, the lender is required to return […]
What Happens AFTER Foreclosure in California?
Surplus funds are pending or hidden funds after foreclosure that most foreclosure homeowners are not aware of. Consumer Action Law Group is a leading law firm that can guide homeowners on how to claim lost or undisclosed surplus funds. Los Angeles, CA, NOV 13, 2014 – Getting your Equity after Foreclosure. In the event that […]
Foreclosure Defense Attorney in California Explains How to Stop a Trustee Sale
Consumer Action Law Group in California is a reliable foreclosure defense law firm with several experienced lawyers who help homeowners stop trustee sales and prevent homes from going to auction.
FACTS/ISSUES: Plaintiff’s former loan servicer, Statebridge Company, LLC, increased Plaintiff’s monthly mortgage payments at a time not provided for within the loan agreement. Due to the increased payments, Plaintiff was put into default on her loan. Plaintiff filed the lawsuit to stop the foreclosure. RESOLUTION: Pending.
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorneys Is Now Offering Legal Solution to Get Rid of Debt
Consumer Action Law Group has a team of experienced bankruptcy attorneys who are now offering legal solutions for people to stop foreclosures and get rid of debt.
Consumer Action Law Group Sues Car Dealerships for Selling Frame Damage Cars
The attorneys at the Consumer Action Law Group help car buyers in auto fraud cases and sue car dealerships for selling frame damage car and other unfair practices.
Stop Foreclosure in California with the Help from TOP Notch Foreclosure Attorney in Los Angeles
Consumer Action Law Group is now offering free legal advice to homeowners that need help stopping foreclosure” November 5th, 2014 – If you are facing foreclosure, it is absolutely critical to take action and stop foreclosure fast. Many borrowers fall into the trap of asking their lender to help them when their lender has no […]
Can I Sue A Car Dealership for Lying?
Buying a car is a significant investment for most of us. It’s exciting, but it can also be stressful, especially when some car dealers don’t play fair. Unfortunately, some dealers use tricks, lies, and shady tactics to make a sale. They might pressure you or even break the law to get you to sign on […]
STOP Notice of Trustee Sale and the Ocwen Foreclosure Process today by Filing a Lawsuit or Filing Bankruptcy
“As soon as someone is served with a notice of trustee sale, they should get in touch with us. We hold Ocwen accountable to follow the legal process. We stop the foreclosure sale immediately and..”
What To Do If a Car Dealer Scammed Me
We handle auto fraud case on a contingency fee basis, which means no money is required from you to file the case. Call us today at 818 254 8413: the call is free and your case may be valuable!
California Foreclosure Attorney – We Stop San Diego and Orange County Foreclosures
Our Orange County real estate lawyer is here to prevent you from being taken advantage by mortgage lender. If you are looking for a foreclosure attorney…
Real Estate Attorney That Stop Foreclosure in Los Angeles
Our real estate attorney Los Angeles is a very consumer friendly that offers many workout options suchh as deed in lieu of foreclosure, short sale, forbearance…
Foreclosure Attorney That Stop Sale Date in Los Angeles and Orange County
With the assistance of our foreclosure attorney California, fraud that lead to foreclosure is often revealed. We stop foreclosure! Call us (818) 254-8413
California Automotive Lawyers – We Sue Car Dealers for Auto Fraud
We help car buyers get out of bad contracts and replace or return their cars and get their money back… The automotive lawyers at our firm have years of experience in helping California consumers get money back from deceptive sales tactics and car dealership scams. We will also cancel bad contracts that take advantage of buyers. […]
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer
Filing Bankruptcy immediately stops collections, stops any lawsuits, stops wage garnishment, and wipes out credit card debt, medical debt, and old IRS debt..
Bankruptcy Attorney San Diego
We are the best bankruptcy attorneys in San Diego with many years of crucial experience and you can trust our lawyers to successfully file your bankruptcy…
Auto Fraud Attorney California – Sue Dealerships
In California, when you buy a car from a dealership, the salesperson must strictly follow the law when making the sale. As the consumer, it helps to be…
Filing Bankruptcy in California
Filing bankruptcy in California will stop foreclosure, get rid of annoying collection calls, and give you a fresh start with a debt-free life. There are…
Our Auto Dealer Fraud Attorney Will Protect You from Car Dealer Scams
Buying a car is a blood sport. In an ideal world, your car dealer would provide you with truthful information about your new car, but we do not live in an ideal world. Car dealer scams are prevalent because there are many unscrupulous car dealers who make their living by deceiving you. Scams range from […]
Consumer Action Law Group Launches Legal Service for Homeowners to Claim Surplus Funds from Foreclosure
Very few people are aware of the fact that they can claim surplus money after foreclosure. Consumer Action Law Group is now offering their services, helping people to claim foreclosure
Consumer Action Law Group Now Helps Consumers Who Have Been in a Car Accidents
After an auto accident, it is absolutely critical to seek help for both medical claims and legal claims. Consumer Action Law Group is now Filing Claims for Car Accident Victims and helping anybody who has been in an accident, getting the best possible awards for those injured. California, September 15th, 2014 Consumer Action Law Group […]
Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney – File Claim for Auto Accident Victims
By using the services of a qualified Los Angeles personal injury lawyer, you can assure to yourself that you have done all the necessary things to ensure you’re…
Consumer Action Law Group Offers Stop Foreclosure Legal Assistance for Consumers Who Are Facing Foreclosure
The Los Angeles foreclosure attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group provide hope for homeowners that are facing foreclosure. Consumer Action Law Group is…
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure – Foreclosure Options
if you decide to take matters on your own without the help of foreclosure lawyers, you have two choices to stop a foreclosure which are Deed
Recovering Foreclosure Funds – How to Claim Surplus Funds
Do you need help claiming Surplus Funds? We can help you recover surplus funds if this happens to you: Your home was sold in foreclosure for more than what you owed the lender You had equity in your home before it was sold by the lender You received a letter from the foreclosure trustee […]
Facts/Issues Plaintiffs were in review for a loan modification when their home was foreclosed on. Plaintiffs filed their lawsuit based on Homeowners Bill of Rights Violations. Resolution LAWSUIT IS ONGOING
Facts/Issues Plaintiff spent the last five (5) years trying working with Chase in an attempt to modify her loan. During this time, Plaintiff entered into repayment plans and trial modification plans making payments to Chase. Upon completion of a trial modification, Chase informed Plaintiff they could not modify her loan because the home was foreclosed […]
Plaintiffs spent 3 years in modification review. Their lender continued to request the same documents over and over again. After 3 years of review with…
Plaintiffs submitted a modification package to be reviewed by the lender. The lender took so long to review Plaintiffs’ application that the added arrears…
Facts/Issues Plaintiff submitted a modification package to be reviewed for the Making Home Affordable Modification Program. The lender took so long to review Plaintiff’s application that the added arrears to Plaintiff’s loan balance made Plaintiff ineligible for the HAMP modification. Resolution LAWSUIT IS ONGOING
Plaintiff inherited property from his mother and obtained a loan from Indymac shortly thereafter. Plaintiff paid his property taxes directly to…
Plaintiff inherited a home from his mother and obtained a loan from Washington Mutual shortly thereafter. Plaintiff paid his property taxes directly to the…
Plaintiff is a 99 year old woman. After the passing of her husband, she received a permanent modification from her lender. Ocwen improperly escrowed her…
Plaintiff was always current on his mortgage payments. Plaintiff received letters and statements from Chase stating he had $33,000 in his escrow account…
Glendale Bankruptcy Attorney
If you find yourself thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you should call and talk to our experienced bankruptcy attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group. We can…
We Stop Foreclosure in Los Angeles
We provide legal help to stop foreclosure and sue mortgage lenders for wrongful foreclosure. To speak to a foreclosure attorney call 818-254-8413.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney
Our Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney helps consumers by discussing and filing bankruptcy to eliminate debts and stop foreclosure. Our Chapter 13 Bankruptcy attorneys will help you protect your assets and properties that you want to retain from the hands of your creditors. The most important task to successfully eliminate debts is finding a reliable law […]
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney
Since bankruptcy is a financially complex area of law, you must hire an experienced bankruptcy attorney who has experience with filing bankruptcy Chapter 7 and…
California Foreclosure Attorneys Stop Foreclosure Sales and Provide Foreclosure Defense for California Residents
All homeowners facing foreclosures in California can now take advantage of the expert legal assistance provided by Consumer Action Law Group. The Group has…
Consumer Action Law Group Offers FREE Legal Consultations for People Who Are Seeking to Determine their Eligibility for Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy or Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
The in-person consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer will help people learn different aspects of filing bankruptcy and its legal consequences. Moreover, the…
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorneys – We File Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
We are expert bankruptcy attorneys, low fees! We file bankruptcy to eliminate debts or stop home foreclosure. Call us, (818) 254-8413 M-F: 9AM-6PM
Landing Product Liability
Have you been injured by a defective product? Our Attorneys help collect settlements on Product Liability Cases. Call Us Now for a Free Consultation.
Used Car Dealer Sold Me Car With Recall: Get Legal Help
Have you recently discovered that your used car has an open recall that wasn’t disclosed during the sale? This serious situation affects many car buyers across California, and it’s crucial to understand your rights under state laws and federal law. At Consumer Action Law Group, we regularly assist consumers who find themselves dealing with used […]
Taken Advantage by Dealership Because of Bad Credit
Were you taken advantage of by a dealership because of poor or bad credit? Did a buy here, pay here dealership give you an extremely high-interest rate on your auto loan that makes your payments much higher than they should be? There are plenty of dealers that advertise that they can “finance anyone” regardless of […]
Car Dealers Sold a Undisclosed Frame Damage Car
Used cars are all sold with an odometer reading higher than zero, some wear and tear on the exterior and under the hood, and most car buyers are aware that they aren’t purchasing a brand new vehicle. The dealership doesn’t have to tell you if the car has been in a very small accident that […]
What Happens to Your Equity after Foreclosure
With the recent increase in housing prices, we are seeing more homeowners with equity being foreclosed than ever before. In some cases, the homeowner has $150,000 or more in equity on the mortgage at the time of foreclosure. If the property sells at the foreclosure auction to a third-party bidder for more than the balance […]
Does Your Car Dealer Wants You to Sign a New Contract
You should have an attorney review your situation before signing a second contract with the dealership. Call us, Our attorneys can guide you on what to do.
Deferred Down Payment Arrangements Can Be Illegal!
We are California Auto Attorney. We sue car dealers for deferred down payments. Call us if you want to cancel your contract with your car dealer.
Notice of Trustee Sale in California – What To Do
Our foreclosure lawyers have been helping distressed homeowners save their homes from foreclosure for years. In many cases, we help people from the moment they miss their first mortgage payment. More often than not though, we get calls from homeowners that need to know what to do after receiving a Notice of Trustee Sale for their […]
Were You Owed Money from Foreclosure? Call us to Recover Surplus Fund
Many people don’t know that they may be owed money from a foreclosure surplus fund after a foreclosure auction. In cases where the home sells at a foreclosure auction for more than the homeowner owes on the mortgage, the original homeowner is entitled to the difference in the two amounts. Our foreclosure attorney have seen […]
Can a Dealership Sell You a Car Without Inspection?
Buying a used car should be an exciting experience, not a nightmare. But what happens when that shiny “new-to-you” ride won’t even pass inspection? At Consumer Action Law Group, we’ve seen too many Californians stuck with lemons that dealers shouldn’t have sold in the first place. Let’s face it: some dealerships care more about their […]
Stop Ocwen Foreclosure Service
It seems that every major mortgage lender has committed fraud against homeowners at this point. There is a lender called Ocwen Financial that just can’t seem to learn their lesson despite all of the fines and penalties they have faced. The lending giant is now being told that they have to pay out $268,000,000 to […]